Since tomorrow's session will have a special guest (one of the developers of MapTools), if any of you have questions about the program, feel free to post them here and CJ (and the other players) will do their best to ask them on your behalf. Also, they will be monitoring twitchTV during the session, so feel free to ask them there was well!
Here are some of my questions.
1- What kind of improvements should we be looking forward to in the next update of MapTools?
2- There are some people that refuse to play D&D on any "online" platform (either on programs such as maptools or on forums with Play by Post). Although some of their arguments are fair (they feel that D&D is a game where people should interact face to face), there are some other arguments that are more "tricky". One being the dice rolling. Some people believe that having a physical d20 in hand yield better rolls than the "random" roll generated by the computer (the old set of lucky dice effect). Do you (asking the developer) think this plays significantly against online D&D? Viewers of the Drogans have seen some incredibly amazing and terrible rolls (mostly by Doug/Win'tyr, rolling 20s or 1s in a consecutive turns...).
3- (More of a comment) One idea I've had... although it may be somewhat geeky to the extreme, would be to add the image of a die (say d20) appear when someone makes a /roll d20, and let the die show the natural roll. The current program automatically shows the "final roll tally" i.e. taking in all the modifiers. However, I must say that I would very much enjoy seeing the image of a die beside the text, would make it look more "real" so to speak. Again... just an idea.