missile, failing miserably.
{Maybe not plan things out per sè, but at the very least try to have things make f***ing sense, because as it stands now:
Coltaine woke up, after killing his best friend because he had a headache in a dream, to Salvana being angry, and decided to hit on her. Salvana got right;y outraged, Nima suddenly showed up, or something and threatened someone for being a pervert (at this point it is not entirely clear who she was threatening), Salvana, even though knowing that Coltaine was just moments before being a pervert, thought Nima was referring to her and so got defensive. Nima told Salvana that she wasn't referring to her OR Coltaine and instead was referring to Jacques, the senile (incomplete sentence) Jacques then randomly said asparagus and ran at the wall attempting to launch magic missiles at it. All of this, presumably, is in a room in an inn somewhere.
Nobody, aside from (sorry to toot my own horn, but) me (though I have been guilty of not doing this) and Lite, and occasionally Saga pay attention to what other people are posting deeper than peripherally, and it makes the story bad. As in not grammatically correct, doesn't flow and most of all not make sense. So if everyone doesn't mind I would like to suggest some ground rules so this can be fixed.
1:Read the Whole Story
There is no way that you will be able to understand the full context of what is going on if you don't read at the very least the last 3 sentences of the story, that is the very very least that is to be expected.
2:Grammar and Spell Check
There is no excuse for not doing this, also pay attention to the grammar of others, if someone ends their post with a period, understand that the sentence is over, so don't continue it, in the same vein, if the sentence isn't complete don't start a new sentence, if you don't, it won't make f***ing sense!
3:Keep it Consistent
This rule is similar to the other rule I suggested in an earlier post, have the characters act how they would really act, don't change scenery in the middle of a conversation, don't make people show up magically (unless they actually show up magically,) just try and have it make f***ing sense!
4:Get Into Each Other's Heads
Look where the story seems to be going, try and figure out what the next three words would be if the person before you could post again, find the story, don't force it. This doesn't however mean that you should feel trapped in the story that is already in progress, by all means have 5000 orcs ambush Ninaran and Zook while they're out on a romantic stroll through the woods, just, for the love of Kord, have it make f***ing sense!
Really I'm not trying to limit your creative freedom, I just think that we can do better than the nonsense that is this story so far. By all means ignore these rules or guidelines or whatever you want to call them, I will do nothing to stop you, there's really nothing I can do, but if you do, realize that the story probably won't be very good, or make any sense. Also, if you have any suggestions for additions or revisions (or I guess retractions) for these rules, please post and let me know.}
A database of punctuation that isn't found on the standard QWERTY keyboard that you might consider useful can be found below
¶ Used to indicate the beginning of a new paragraph. ALT-Code Alt+20 (this is for windows only as far as I know, if you have a different OS you should look up how to do alt codes)
‽ Proper way to write !? or ?! No ALT-Code
Section Sign
§ It usually is used to refer to a specific section, but I suggest we use it to indicate "chapters" ALT-Code Alt+21 (this is for windows only as far as I know, if you have a different OS you should look up how to do alt codes)